Sunday, August 1, 2010

I wanna do french nails?

hi. i wanna do french nails but i dont kno how. can someone explain or something. plzI wanna do french nails?
I love doing french nails. First you need four colors. White, a light pink, a beige color or a light pink works fine and a clear.

Here is how you do it: Clip nails and file them. If you dont they will look crappy. Paint a thin coat of the pink. Let that dry and put some nail tips on. You can do it without them but they wont look straight. U paint over the nail tip turning the top white. Let that dry completely and remove the nail tips. Now paint over with 2 coats of your second pink color. Let it dry and put a strenthing coat on. To keep French manicures fresh put those clear coats on every night.

Enjoy!I wanna do french nails?
Well,you can get one at a nail salon.

Or you can just buy white,clear and pale pink nail polish,and do it yourself.

First,you put on the pale pink nail polish.Let it dry.Then you paint a strip of white on each nail on the tip of the nail.Let it dry.Then,you put a clear coat on every nail.

And TA-DA!

Your done!
heres a video how to do it:鈥?/a>

also, heres how i do my french manicure:

-shape you nails first [clipping, filing etc.]

-apply a coat of clear nail poilish

-slowly draw a line with white nail polish on the tips of your nails (its okay if its sloppy)

-fix it up by dipping a q-tip in nail polish remover and wiping any unwanted whit nail polish

-apply another coat of clear nail polish

hope this helps ! good luck
Translucent pink base, white tips and a clear top coat.
well u should go to a website and ask them that would b easier
You can buy a French manicure kit in almost any beauty store. You apply your base coat first, then a beige/cream or rose-coloured base colour.

Then you take a white-tip brush and slowly drag it across the tips of your nails, making it as thick or thin as you want. Finish off with a clear top coat.

There are also white strips you can apply instead of painting on the tips. Just look around for sets.
At the salons this iz what they do:

#1 they trim %26amp; shape ur nails, soak them in warm water and push ur cuticles back w/ a special tool.

#2 then they apply a clear gloss over ur nails, then they put the white paste stuff on ur nails and use a special tool 2 shape it perfecly into a half circle shape. Then they apply another coat of clear gloss.

Its hard 2 do urself so u can get:

#1 Sally Hansen Nail Art Pens in white. They look like pens but they r nailpolish and u just draw on whatever u want on ur nails. They r like $8 a peice and r availible at,drugstores, Walgreens, Target, CVS etc.

#2 glue on french nails. Some good ones are by Kiss
You can buy fake one's at cvs that you glue on. It's really easy, to real french nails is really hard. CVS fake ones are cheaper then a nail salon too.
hi. its really hard to do french nails with watever hand u dont use often for writing or eating. lol. but here is a great video that helped me a lot. and now my nails look like i did them at the salon. kinda

anyways here is the video:
you'll need clear polish, french pink polish, and white polish. also nail polish remover and a nail paint brush. start with the white. get a little white paint on and do the tips of your nails. try to make them look even. now, dip the nail paint brush in a little bit of nail polish remover and use it to clean up the line to make the white look clean and perfect. when the white is dry completely, paint over the entire nail with the french pink. when that is dry, with the clear coat. good luck!

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